Arctic wolf

Arctic wolf, by William.

The arctic wolf eats rabbits, snowy owls and as a pack they can take down an ox. They can run up to 35 mph. Their fur is very thick and soft to keep them warm. Their white color camouflages them in the snow. Camouflage is very important because it blends them in when they’re in the snow. They are one of the top predators in the arctic.

A picture of an arctic wolf howling.

7 thoughts on “Arctic wolf”

  1. Dear William,
    I never knew that the arctic wolf can take down an ox if they work together as a pack. Wow! I can see why they are one of the top predators in the arctic. What an incredible animal they are. Thank you for teaching us more about this animal.
    What animal is their predator?

    Happy Blogging,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  2. Dear William,
    I did not know that an arctic wolf would run up to 35 miles per hour. How big is the arctic wolf? Does the arctic wolf have any predators?

  3. Dear William,
    I never knew that an arctic wolf can run 35 miles per hour. How many miles can an arctic wolf run in a day? I like your post because I love to learn about animals.

  4. Dear William,
    I didn’t know they can run thirty five miles per hour!
    Did you enjoy studying the Arctic wolf?
    Arctic wolfs are really cool will you write more?

  5. Dear William,
    I did not know that the arctic fox eats foxes, snowy owls, and in a group can take down an ox. I like the picture you chose of the arctic fox howling.

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